Friday, May 25, 2007

What is Frontier international?

8:58 AM

Frontier International

FRONTIER INTERNATIONAL was founded to bring HEALTH TO NATIONS AND MANKIND. This statement reflects the Vision and Mission of its founder, DR. SJ. JONG, a lady with great passion for the health of society. Dr. Jong's caring and sharing philosophy is motivated by her belief that healthcare must be made available to all STRATAS of society. In her own words and wisdom, "Frontiers of science must not only be conquered but must be shared for the benefit of Mankind".

The products of FRONTIER, as shown in the website, are the results of Dr. Jong's painstaking and long term research carried out in conjunction with her group of fellow researchers and scientists round the world. Some of the more significant research in Cancer, HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's diseases, Genetic biotechnology(DNA), Stem Cell and Nanotechnology are carried out under Rigil International Switzerland of which Dr. Jong is the Head of Research and Honourable scientist. All the research works by the Rigil Group are backed by the European Union.

The staff of FRONTIER are dedicated and well trained either individually or collectively by Dr. Jong herself and are therefore well placed and equipped to promote the products of FRONTIER.

Every staff and member of Frontier is guided by its VISION, MISSION and CORE VALUES.

Frontier symbolizes the unexplored fields of research and studies. Our Vision is to share the latest discoveries especially in the fields of nutritional science and to propagate healthy lifestyle through quality and affordable nutrition as well as educating the public on the importance of preventive medicine.

Frontier International was incepted in September 2004. Our revolutionary products in wellness, anti-aging and personal care, are formulated through the Science of Nanotechnology by our international partners, Rigil International Laser Institute, Switzerland.

Expanding on Nanotechnology ability to characterize an individual's genetic makeup and sensor systems that detect emerging diseases in the body, we strive to shift the focus of patient care from disease treatment to prevention and early detection. That's why ongoing research and development is an integral and ongoing aspect of our business.

We believe that effective and less expensive health care must be available to all levels of society.

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