Monday, May 28, 2007

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International Consultants

8:10 PM


DR. E.S. TEE (Bsc, Msc, Ph.D; Malaysia)

Head of Cardiovascular, Diabetes and Nutrition Research Center of the Institute for Medical Research (IMR) until his retirement in 2002. Presently, he is the President of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia and the Director of International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) - SEA.

He was invited by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia to chair

- National Codex sub-Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses

- Working group on Nutrition, health Claims and Advertisement

- Working group on Food / Drug Interphase products

A Member of

National Coordinating Committee on Food and Nutrition

National Technical Advisory Committee on Food Regulations

DR. S.J. JONG (Bsc. Msc, Ph.D; United Kingdom)

Dr. Jong has her PhD in the field of Biomedical Science majoring in Food Technology. She also has a doctorate in Complementary Medicine from Canada. She is currently pursuing another PhD in Neuroscience & Biochemistry, working on research in degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Together with her father, Dr. JL Jong (a former Malaysian heart surgeon who later served with the UN as a cardiologist), she works hand in hand with a team of 45 scientists and the Rigil International Group in Switzerland developing new age drugs, food & nutritional supplements, pharmaceutical products, anti-ageing medications, cosmetics etc. In particular, they have formulated a unique cocktail for Cancer and HIV/AIDS patients which is widely used in various hospitals in the United States, Europe and Japan. All research work by the Rigil International Group is supported by the European Union.

Dr Jong has contributed significantly to research work in cancer, HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, generic biotechnology (DNA), stem cell and nanotechonology. Her work has been published in major medical journals such as The New England Medical Journal, The Journal of Neuroscience and Biochemistry and The Journal of Swiss Health Science. She is also a much sought after speaker at international medical conventions in countries such as the United States, Canada, Europe, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand and India.

In Malaysia, Dr Jong is a regular contributor of health articles to The New Straits Times, Berita Harian, Nanyang Siang Pau and Guang Ming Daily News. She has also given public health talks organised by the Lion's Club, Nanyang Siang Pau, Malaysia Herbal Society, HSBC, CELCOM, ASEAN Strategic Business Networks etc.

DR. C.Y. CHAN (Bsc, Msc, Ph.D; United Kingdom)

Educated in the U.K. from the age of 15, Dr. Chan has contributed in the development of potential anti-cancer drugs and the development of synthetic pheromones. His work was published in the New Scientist magazine and Chemistry in U.K. He is also an author of five research papers published in international journals pertaining to the field of drug development in cancer research. He is also a co-author of a patent filed worldwide in the field of cancer research.

Dr. Chan has given many health talks to the public about nutritional food supplements. He is also a well-known scientist in developing and formulating health care supplements, skin care products and anti-aging serums.

Director of Technical & Business Development to Fortune Laboratories Sdn. Bhd.
Executive Director of Polyscience Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd.


Served in various hospitals in Switzerland and Germany for 15 years. Dr. Demouley joined Rigil International, Switzerland and specializes in various problems that women today are facing. She has contributed to many medical journals for the European Union and published more than 20 articles and research papers.

Biggest merit was in her contribution to the research of anti-cancer Nutritional Medicine in the year 2002 when she developed a very potent cocktail of foods to reduce breast cancer metastasis. Since then, many patients have experienced great improvements from consuming the cocktail.

Dr. Demouley will be based in Germany from January 2005 as Rigil International is expanding its operations to Germany. Together with her husband, Dr.V.Calabrese , they will head the Research & Development division in Germany.

DR. J.J. STAUFFER (Bsc. Msc, Ph.D; Switzerland)

Dr. Stauffer has served in various cosmaceutical industries before joining Rigil International, Switzerland. He has vast experience in developing professional skin care formulations and has conducted many international beauty workshops. He is also a member of the Swiss Dermatologist Board, Switzerland.

DR. I.U.LUSTENBERGER (LL.B, Ph.D, Switzerland)

Member of the Zurich and Swiss Bar Associations. Dr. I.U. Lustenberger serves on the board of a number of private and public Swiss Companies.

His pro bono activities include tenure on the board of the Swiss Korean Chamber of Commerce. He has published three (3) research papers in Switzerland on Swiss Law and Bar.

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