Monday, May 28, 2007

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The Uniqueness Of Our Products

6:40 AM

The Uniqueness of Our Products

Nanotechnology is the new frontier currently being touted as the opportunity for a better tomorrow. Used in manufacturing in recent years, nanotechnology enables scientists to build devices and materials one atom or molecule at a time, creating tightly packed structures that take on new properties by virtue of their miniature size. a nanometer is one-billionth of a meter, or about 100,000 smaller than the width of a human hair.

With nanotechnology, products produced are assured of high bioavailability for best absorption. Due to its tiny size, the nutrients can easily enter our digestive system and blood streams with least difficulty. Thus, it will help us assimilate the nutrients for their potent benefits ( most nutritional supplements are good but difficult to be absorbed due to their bioavailability ) and value for money, as we can maximize the total content of the products.


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