Monday, May 28, 2007

What is Nanotechnology & Freeze Drying?

6:36 AM


The Future of Food Supplements

*** Dr Jong used her knowledge in the sciences, especially in Nanotechnology, to develop unique yet affordable nutritional health supplements. FRONTIER INTERNATIONAL maintains its own Research Facilities; Manufactures its own products; Plants and harvests its own herbal ingredients. Its products are UNIQUE, of SUPERIOR QUALITY, and are AFFORDABLE as well. ***

Do we have the knowledge and the tools today to live forever? If all science and technology development suddenly stopped, the answer would have to be no.

We do have the means to dramatically slow disease and the aging process far more than most people realize, but we do not yet have all the techniques we need to indefinitely extend human life. However, it is clear that far from halting, the pace of scientific and technological discovery is accelerating.

So the answer to our question is actually a definite yes – the knowledge exists, if aggressively applied, will slow down aging and disease processes to such a degree that you can be in good health and good spirits until the more radical life-extending and life-enhancing technologies become available over the next couple of decades.

As we peer into the 21st century, Nanotechnology will enable us to rebuild and extend our bodies and brains, to vastly expand our physical and mental capabilities.


Nanotechnology is the new frontier currently being touted as the opportunity for a better tomorrow. Used in manufacturing in recent years, nanotechnology enables scientists to build devices and materials one atom or molecule at a time, creating tightly packed structures that take on new properties by virtue of their miniature size. A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter, or about 100,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair.

With Nanotechnology, products produced are assured of high bioavailability for best absorption. Due to its tiny size, the nutrients can easily enter our digestive system and blood streams with least difficulty. Thus, it will help us to assimilate the nutrients for their potent benefits (most nutritional supplements are good but difficult to be absorbed due to their bioavailability) and value for money, as we can maximize the total content of the products.

This technology is also used widely in cancer researches. Most animal cells are 10,000- 20,000 nanometers in diameter, so nanoscale devices are tiny enough to enter cells and analyze DNA and proteins, potentially identifying and treating cancerous cells at much earlier stages than currently possible.

Researchers have developed advanced nanoparticle technologies for extremely sensitive profiling of biomarkers on cancer cells and tissue specimens. The use of nanotechnology enables researchers to combine traditional pathology and cancer biology with highly sensitive molecular analysis.

Our team is collaborating with other cell biologists to study a variety of molecules involved in the development and progression of cancer, including those involved in programmed cell death; genes such as the p53 gene, which is implicated in many kinds of cancer; and microtubules and molecular motors, which are involved in transporting the proteins in cells that regulate cell growth.

Freeze-Drying in Processing

Freeze-drying is based on the sublimation of ice. That is the food dries by the direct evaporation of ice to water vapour, rather than the evaporation of liquid water. This is achieved by freezing the food and then placing it in a strong chamber under a high vacuum, typically about one thousandth of air pressure. Under these conditions liquid water cannot exist, only ice and water vapour. By application of heat, and removal of evaporated ice to a very cold surface, ice continues to evaporate until only a very dry, porous solid is left. This has several advantages for the quality of the dried food.

Evaporation of water, as in conventional drying, occurs at the surface of the food. To evaporate, the water must move to the surface and as it does so it carries dissolved solids such as sugars and proteins. These solids can form a layer on the surface that effectively slows rehydration during preparation of the food before eating.

Freeze-drying is done at low temperatures. The food need not rise above ice temperature if this is essential for product quality. The product quality is therefore higher than with other drying methods which raise the temperature of the food to speed the drying process.

The freezing that is carried out before drying concentrates solids, particularly sugars in small areas of the product. These form a "glass" that is a very good trap for volatiles. This results in a good retention of volatiles, which are the flavor components of food. Freeze-dried foods therefore have good flavor.

The ice crystals that form during freezing, evaporate during drying leaving a porous material. This allows rapid uptake of water when the food is rehydrated. If done carefully, a 1 cm steak can be rehydrated in minutes, compared with the hours that would be required for a similar sized hot air dried steak.

These pores are one reason why the freeze-dried food is packed under vacuum. The pores allow oxygen in the air to get to sensitive components of the food, particularly fats in the cell membranes. These are very rapidly oxidized in the presence of air to produce unpleasant rancid flavors. Special precautions are taken with freeze-dried foods to protect them from air from the moment they are removed from the drier.

The food typically has a moisture content of less than two percent at completion of drying. This may be compared with the more than 90% of water in many vegetables, 75% moisture in fresh meats, and the 15 to 20% moisture in dried fruits. This very low moisture means that the food has a very long shelf life even at elevated storage temperatures. This is of great importance to the military and one of the major reasons freeze-dried foods are used for military rations.

The low moisture also means that microorganisms are not able to grow in the product during storage.

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